We’re facing an unprecedented shift in how we live our lives , we wanted to share with
you the steps we are taking at Practically Perfect regarding the Coronavirus (Covid-19).
My team and customers well being is so important to me I know that each of us is trying
to manage not only our business, work but also our personal lives as well.
I’m a small business owner and I am absolutely terrified about the financial implications
of the situation that we find ourselves in today.
It is with a very heavy heart that I will not be open as from Sunday 22nd of March,
I feel it’s irresponsible of me to keep trading and to encourage people to come buy or bring items
in for me to sell.
I have everything crossed that this will be a short term measure, I will keep you posted regarding
the re-opening.
In the meantime please take some time to put your health first , ring that friend you’ve been
meaning to and take a long peaceful walk.
From everyone at Practically Perfect we hope you stay safe and look after yourself and your loved ones.
Sally x